Posted by: Elaine A. Cook | August 20, 2008

Connect Realty – Promises, Promises!

A recent comment on my blog Connect Realty Why we joined  was: “I’d love to hear an update from all of the agents who posted. Is everything you were told actually happening?”

My first thought was, wow I have been so busy I haven’t blog in a couple of months!  My Bad!!!

So here I am, providing an update to answer this question!!!

Is everything you were told actually happening?  Yep and then some.

We now how our FREE showcase memberships, our estore, over 3000 marketing pieces, free presentation material, transaction management, video email, free training materials and an up coming conference.  We are also opening up 5 more States in the next 60 days! Over 1500 joined!  With about 400 more coming from the newest 5 States!

We are still waiting for rdesk, and the corporate website to take a more consumer front.  These are due by October.  Connect University is also coming on line within the next couple of months.

My team has grown from one, me, to 20 in 5 months.  And we have a GREAT team.  Agents from many different brokerages that are loving Connect as well! I have already received residual income with another $2000 due in the next 30 days! (Yes that is aweseome!) We have closed several deals through Connect, and everything was smooth, and we were paid as promised.

So, have promises been kept?  Yes.  As with construction and computer programing, sometimes the projected dates get pushed back.  But that comes back to an issue of patience!

I would strongly urge you to contact any Connect Agent and get their input.  It is a career decision that deserves investigation!

Posted by: Elaine A. Cook | June 22, 2008

Connect Realty | Why we Joined!

So, are you wondering….Why did we choose Connect Realty?

Welcome our newest Connect Agents to the Ensemble Team…
and read their stories!

Devin Wood, Broker/Owner in Snohomish County; Why are you moving your company to Connect Realty?
The Real Estate Industry is changing. I researched my options, but when I saw how Connect operates, Wow. The opportunity for me to provide my team with all the bells and whistles; without the overhead and liability is incredible.

If you are a Broker, or working with a Broker who is thinking of making a change, feel free to call me and discuss the benefits of Connect Realty.
There is more money to be made, and more tools to help you service your clients.

Ruth Kapetan, Broker in Snohomish County, after researching the company you decided to move to Connect Realty, why?
I believe the old Brokerage Model is on its way out.  The change is upon us, and Connect Realty had the foresight to see that.  They have built a company around the needs of the hardworking agent, and the needs of the informed consumer. 
The opportunity for agents is incredible. It takes the best of what exists now and adds the missing elements.  All the while, keeping the overhead to a minimum, and technology at a maximum. This allows agents to spend their time with their clients, and marketing their homes.  It is a win-win company!

Sharon Allen, with 17 years in Real Estate,
why did you switch to Connect Realty?

I am excited to be an Associate Broker for the Whatcom County area, as well as, the opportunity to provide new agent development. Connect offers a wonderful training/mentoring program for new agents.  

As a cutting edge Brokerage, Connect has a lot of opportunities for experienced agents to take their business to a higher level, and I am here to help make sure that happens!

Kerry Graham, what was your deciding factor?
There were several factors actually. It was hard, I loved my previous Broker and I was at 100% commission…However, I have been a Realtor for over 4 years and I am ready to change how my Real Estate business looks.  The internet marketing, and transaction management tools provided with Connect will help me be more visible, and able to handle more business. Another factor, is the energy of this Connect Team.  The sharing of marketing ideas, materials…it truly works like a team; and everybody wins!

Why Elaine A. Cook choose Connect Realty?
First, read all the services I can now provide home owners and home sellers stated below.  Now imagine all the tools they are providing me with transaction management, marketing, advertising, leads, etc., with NO desk fees!  The increase in services I can provide and the reduction in my overhead expenses alone were worth the move!  I came from a desk fee and 100% commission contract…and I can make more than 100% with Connect! 

Now realize this, I researched Brokerage Models for almost 6 months.  With only one class left to take for my Broker’s license, I had to decide what the rest of my Real Estate Career would look like.  If I had millions of dollars to spend on technology, marketing, promotion of my agents…my own Brokerage would look almost exactly like Connect Realty.  Almost? Well, I actually had the name Ensemble picked out…but then came Connect Realty! I cast my business plan aside and joined Connect Realty. (After 2 months of research!)
Fantastic…is the word that comes to mind!

Mindy Price, what made you switch to Connect Realty?
Obviously lower overhead, but the fact that I can create my own team, help them, teach them, keep the new agents from the pains I went through when I started…excites me to no end!!!  The compensation, Corporate support, and technology made my decision easy! 
I love it!  After 6+ years in the business I was ready for this! 

Let’s hear from Dave Matthews-Jensen
Why did he choose Connect Realty?
Having had my license since 2002, I have worked under the large National brokerage umbrella.  This company turns that whole system upside down.  I make more money, and I can be rewarded for referring other agents to Connect Realty…plus all the technology and support they offer is icing on the cake! It really was a “no brainer” decision!

Tara Camp just joined, what is her opinion?
As a Real Estate Investor, I found Connect Realty to offer many tools to make my job easier as an investor and as a Real Estate Agent.  The compensation plan makes sense, the technology is there and the connection to agents across the Nation can prove to be invaluable.

Some folks thing this model is an MLM, or discount brokerage. It is neither. Check it out for yourself!

Andy Laughlin, as a new agent why did you join?
I had just finished my class with David Hutton and had heard from various Brokers who came and spoke at our class…no one offered what Connect Realty offers.  The commitment that Connect makes to new agents is incredible.  I have a mentor to train me, and be right there with me through my first 5 transactions, and beyond if I need one.

And Pat Jordan, what say you?
I am just finishing up my Real Estate class, and started looking into where I was going to hang my license..  When Dave told me about Connect Realty,  I couldn’t believe the brokerage model, and the mentoring program.  I am guaranteed to have support.  The people I have met, are great!  I am grateful I found out about Connect Realty, before I went with a traditional brokerage!  Update: I have my license and have been going through the training program. It is beyond my expectations!

Let us know if you would like to Connect Realty Agents in your area…I have a long list for you, over 1400!!!

Posted by: Elaine A. Cook | June 22, 2008

Connect Realty | Is the grass greener?

As reported in an earlier blog, I switched to Connect

Am I still happy, is the grass really greener?

Well, for starters they just gave us all “Showcase memberships.” For FREE!
Transaction Point is coming on line in the next couple of weeks….yes, for Free
Webusmail is now available for all our marketing templates, flyers etc…
Our WA IDX is now up and running!! Whoo-Hoo

I closed my first deal through Connect and got paid from escrow the day it closed!  That was a 1st!

There are now over 1400 agents with Connect, and I am fortunate enough to be working with 10 of them directly…in less than 2 months! (Almost 400 agents have joined since I did the end of March!)

Have there been issues? Yes.  Mostly my impatience!  Gimme’ all the toys…and give me more!!!  Oddly, they seem to keep delivering more!!! However, all the above mentioned tools are now in place and ready for use.  Including a Connect store for all those fun promotional items.
So yes, I am still happy and the grass is greener! 

Posted by: Elaine A. Cook | March 18, 2008

Connect Realty, How it helps the Home Buyer

Conncet RealtyHow is my move to Connect Realty going to help you?

Oh, let me count the ways. A lot of it is again, behind the scene transaction management. But there is also the National Connection to help you buy anywhere in the US! The search engines…the tools to help with the treasure hunt for your perfect home!

Lender and Moving discounts…plus great savings at Lowe’s Hardware! Tell me about your dream home…and we will find out how much you $$$ you can save!!!
Typical savings are about $500!

Posted by: Elaine A. Cook | March 18, 2008

Connect Realty, How it helps the Home Seller

How is my switch to Connect Realty helping you?

Let’s find out!

Where do I begin, there is so much this company is doing to help agents better serve their clients! For instance with 1 click of a button your listing is sent to over 100 Real Estate search engines..craigslist, yahoo real estate, trulia, just to name a few…do you know how much time that saves me??? Do you know how much exposure your home gains??? Which equates to shorter days on the market!

Then automatic transaction management…I know, I know, some of these things are behind the scene processes you don’t want to hear about…the bottom line for you is a home sold faster, more exposure with an agent who has the time to build a great relationship with you, and if  I am saving time…you are saving money. Tell me about your home and I will tell you how you will save $$$!

Typical savings are about 1/2% of the purchase price of your home!!!  Could be thousands!!!

Posted by: Elaine A. Cook | March 18, 2008

Bellingham Real Estate, Affordable Housing

Posted by: Elaine A. Cook | March 18, 2008

Bellingham, WA Trails and Parks

Posted by: Elaine A. Cook | March 18, 2008

Connect Realty What do we know?

connect realty

So…(I start a lot of my blogs with “so,”  Why is that? lol) Anyway…I hear the noise about Connect Realty here in the Rain, google, my inbox,..etc.  It is a quiet noise, that is getting louder!  I thought I would sum up what we do know.

What we Know about Connect Realty:

The company was founded by:
Jim Canion, a very successful Real Estate Devloper, Ken Carlton also a TX Real Estate Developer and co-owner of Jet Blue Airlines, President and CEO David Boatner, along with Randy Almaguer, the Chief Operation Officer, are working together – creating a bright future for us with Connect Realty. 

  • We know that without much hoopla, over 1400 agents, in 11 States.
    Large brokerages are switching to Connect Realty.   

    Okay, bottom line. 
  • It cost $200 to join.
  • 80/20 Split NO rollback…EVER!
  • New Agents 70/30 for 1st 5 deals…and you get a Mentor!!!!
  • FREE Showcase membership!
  • No Desk Fees.
  • No Franchise Fees.
  • No Transaction Fees, except for the required E & O Insurance.
  • No Technology Fees…..You still with me?…this is where it gets interesting….
  • PLUS…5% Referring Agent Commission over and over…with agents from any state!
  • About as paperless as a Real Estate Agency can get!
  • Virtual Office Transaction Manager
  • Auto propagate almost 100 search engines with your listings…that saves so much time!
  • E-Signature
  • Checks Direct Deposited with in 24 hours
  • Support, Support, Support
  • Oh, I almost forgot…FREE on line training classes, videos, marketing materials, buyer and seller presentations…the list goes on!

What we don’t Know:

How big of a change this will bring to the industry.

How far they are going to take this technology.

How soon they go public, and then international.

How much money is going to be made.

If you are going to check it out. 

Got Questions, of course you do!  I did!   Email me, I will tell you what I know!
